Japanese Pokemon Raging Surf Officially Revealed!
1 minute read
Japanese Pokemon Raging Surf SV3a has been officially revealed during the World Championships 2023 stream! Here's everything we know so far about this exciting new set…
Set Information
The box/pack art features Gholdengo, Groudon, Jirachi, and Tapu Koko.
Raging Surf will contain 62 cards + a currently unknown amount of secret rares.
Release date is the 22nd of September in Japan. Stock is likely to hit the UK market from the 27th onwards.
30 booster packs per box and 5 cards per pack.
Cards from the set are expected to appear in the English Paradox Rift expansion.
Pokemon Raging Surf UK Prices
The Japanese Pokemon market continues to be highly unpredictable. We'll do our best to offer this product for as low a price as possible and may not stock it until the price drops and settles, similar to Ruler of the Black Flame.
To be alerted when Pokemon Raging Surf comes into stock, click the products above and sign up for email notifications.
Check back for more information and card previews as we approach the release date!
Last Updated: 22/09/23
Pokemon Raging Surf Card Images

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